I have literally "met"
tons of other moms-of-multiples via online forums since I found out I was having quadruplets. Two of them are also quad-mamas, both have babies near ours' age, both blog, both are named Amber, and both live in Texas. I know, a little confusing. Well, Texas has been having some crazy snowy weather. Amber B recently blogged about their Texas snow
here. Amber S blogged about getting her kids out for some snow adventures
A beautiful view of our backyard. |
I decided that if my Texas Quadmamas could enjoy some snow exploration, their Northern neighbor could, too. HOWEVER, unlike brave Amber S, I decided to let the children explore snow in a
"Lite" version first, before going through all the trouble suiting up 4 toddlers!
The kids were very curious and happy to play with snow! |
I took a few plates of snow from our deck and let the kiddos explore after breakfast. At first they were not quite sure of the white fluffy stuff, then they loved exploring and playing with it, but after a while the cold set in and they let me know they were "ALL DONE" with snow. Sure was fun while it lasted! And a bonus: the snow cleaned up breakfast from their trays like a charm!
Lauren was surprised at how cold it was. |
Tanner & Tyler were amazed that it squished into balls & towers! |
Hannah has a snowball for YOU! |
There is so much more I could blog about: Our family's Thanksgiving, Jenna & my second annual date to the Nutcracker, how the babies are doing so much more & are down to 1 nap/day... but for now, hope your Season is Merry & you get out and enjoy whatever the weather brings you!
Way to be creative!