Confession: I feel very un-Christmasy this year.
Andy is working tonight (Christmas Eve) and tomorrow (Christmas Day). I just couldn't fathom trying to bring all the kids to Church today solo. I have not baked Christmas treats. I still have gifts to wrap. We just got our tree up last week. We did celebrate Christmas this morning with the kids so Andy could be a part of it, but tomorrow morning is going to be same old, same old (including me hushing everyone to be quiet so they don't wake up daddy sleeping in the next room!).
It is after 9 pm and for goodness sake I still have our spaghetti dinner on the stove and all over the floor (awesome Christmas eve meal, right?). We are hosting family Christmas dinner tomorrow, so I need to clean up the house a bit since it looks like a tornado hit it (or 5!). So why am I blogging? Good question. I have no clue.
However, I do want to wish you and your loved ones a very, very, very Merry Christmas. I have been pondering these past few days the magic of the season and how the Creator of the Universe decided to make his entrance onto Earth- not with pomp and circumstance, not in majesty & power according to Human eyes, but in the most humbling way in the form of a soft, needy, squeaky, and special little newborn boy that changed everything. The story has captured my heart this year more than other years. All for us. He did it all for us.
This season it is my hope you feel the love, joy, and peace that Christ the Savior has to offer.
Merry Christmas!
Becky :)
shabby background
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Thankful, Still
Well, it's December and that means Happy Post-Thanksgiving to you! I intended to post a nice little blog about Thanksgiving on the day of, but then Sickness entered our life for a few days. Nothing halts life like a mama that is down & out!
Our family had a wonderful get together on Thanksgiving at Andy's parents. It is always so nice to be with them, and there is so much to be thankful for! Right after consuming a delicious meal, poor Jenna's body decided to--- well--- release it. And all I will say is that night both Jenna and I were in the same boat. And the next few days I was just plain down for the count. Thankfully Andy was home the whole time to take care of the kids while I slept my sickness away, and I am extremely thankful that he & the little kids came away mostly unscathed. I am also very thankful for a mother-in-law and neighbors that helped fill in the gaps when I was unable to do so!

Being sick and with sick kids, I must admit my tolerance was lower and I lost my temper and patience easily. And while I could all day long find some sort of justifiable excuse to be a grump and to complain, I have been trying instead to embrace the intent of the holiday- choosing instead to give Thanks to the LORD in every circumstance- and to pluck out the golden threads of thankfulness in every circumstance.
This can be a frustrating exercise.. but oh, such a vital one!
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Our sweet little family. Well, maybe not so little, but definitely sweet! |
~Give Thanks~
Being sick and with sick kids, I must admit my tolerance was lower and I lost my temper and patience easily. And while I could all day long find some sort of justifiable excuse to be a grump and to complain, I have been trying instead to embrace the intent of the holiday- choosing instead to give Thanks to the LORD in every circumstance- and to pluck out the golden threads of thankfulness in every circumstance.
This can be a frustrating exercise.. but oh, such a vital one!
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So let me be thankful for the balancing gymnastic skills of my don't-wanna-nap-boys! |
I am definitely thankful for this goofball.
After 11 years of marriage, I can still say Andy is such a perfect partner for me!
I love him so much and am grateful for such an amazing husband, despite his horrible selfies ;)
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I am thankful for baths that leave me soaking wet. |
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I am so thankful for four friends that shared the same belly and continue to share life (and veggie-straws) |
I am thankful that Tyler has not broken a bone yet- here he is showing how well he can break through my netting and slip through the stairs banister- ay-yi-yi!
I am thankful for a new kitchen to bake cookies in, and thankful for this awesome assistant! |
I am thankful for the Schmidts, who are more like family than neighbors! |
I am thankful for lazy mornings drinking hot cocoa (or warm milk) and watching morning cartoons |
The third bedroom (a.k.a. Jenna's room!) |
The downstairs "play room" |
The upstairs addition- the wall was finally cut out! |
I am thankful for an addition that is NEARLY COMPLETE!!!
Recently I re-realized it helps me to actually give my thanks OUT LOUD, not just think them. After all, the bible verse says "may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14, emphasis mine). And so I am trying to do this more.
Even though the Thanksgiving season has passed and we are now focusing on Christmas,
I am thankful, still!
Even though the Thanksgiving season has passed and we are now focusing on Christmas,
I am thankful, still!
Friday, November 7, 2014
Crib reduction, house addition!
It has been a whirlwind of a season, in all meanings! I blink and it feels like another week has gone by. I'm not the only one, right? Well, we have been entertained & excited to see our house grow with every week. Here is a recap of the last few weeks in terms of our addition:

For Halloween Jenna was Dorothy & had fun trick or treating with her cousins. The little kids & I stayed warm and ate handed out candy at Aunt Wendy & Todd's house.
I finally resigned last week and decided it was well over-time to take apart the cribs. They were more like a jungle gym the last few months, and while they served to help improve everyone's motor skills, it was time to let it go and be done with the season of the crib.
Unfortunately, the new bedroom will not be ready for a few more weeks so I am trying to figure out a good temporary option for four toddlers. It has been a sleepless last week, let me tell you. I am still working out all the kinks, but I probably will get it right just in time to split them up 2/2 and then I am sure will have another round of problem solving regarding getting the crew to sleep.
Sigh... lots of problem solving.... please pray for me that I am in a state of gratitude instead of complaint during this season, because I can feel myself easily slipping there and the last thing I want is to be ungrateful for these 5 amazing children, this family, and the opportunity for an addition.
And with that, I hope everyone reading this & myself can slow down a little this month to reflect on what we are grateful & thankful for. There is truly so much.
Blessings to you & hugs!
Fist the bottom layers... then the frame...
And as of today, windows, roof, sliders, & WOOD FLOORS in the kitchen! I am still giddy every time I walk into the kitchen and don't get my pants or toes snagged on sub-floor or partial-floor. |
Ta-Da! Hello wood floors, I have been waiting for you :) |
This Fall we have been enjoying playing outside since there is little room to play inside, good thing we have a lot of play space outside. I never thought I would say this being a former city girl, but I love living in the country!
L-R: Tanner, Jenna, Lauren, Hannah & Tyler waaaaay back in the woods where he is not allowed! |
Jenna & kids were having loads of fun throwing the leaves up in the air. My outdoor girl! |
Tyler, again, on something that he is not allowed on. Take a guess which kiddo likes to break the rules!!! |
At her school parade. It was yucky outside, so an indoor parade had to do! |
Tanner, Hannah, Tyler & Lauren Candy was the only thing keeping this crew sitting for a millisecond so I could take a picture! |
Unfortunately, the new bedroom will not be ready for a few more weeks so I am trying to figure out a good temporary option for four toddlers. It has been a sleepless last week, let me tell you. I am still working out all the kinks, but I probably will get it right just in time to split them up 2/2 and then I am sure will have another round of problem solving regarding getting the crew to sleep.
Pre-crib removal |
Post-crib removal. Kids were a little confused and honestly, it still is a difficult transition. |
Our current hodge-podge sleep options: twin & crib mattresses on floors, a toddler bed, and one |
"Mom, you are so funny when you tell us to go to bed. No. No thank you." |
And with that, I hope everyone reading this & myself can slow down a little this month to reflect on what we are grateful & thankful for. There is truly so much.
Blessings to you & hugs!
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