And just like that, it's a New Year! It has been a good year, and I am excited to see what 2016 has for us. Frankly I am too darn tired to write cute, quippy things about the past year or New Year ahead, so let me just stick to what I wanted to accomplish with this blog post: To show pictures from our last month, maybe share a little of what we did, and wish you a Very Happy New Year!
December, 2015
This is a regular occurrence in our house: dressing up! |
This is a what snuggling in the morning watching TV looks like when we don't have to rush to school or work.
Everyone still fights to sit on Mommy's lap! |
This is the kids' preschool class, as they sang Christmas songs for the parents.
Yes, you counted correctly. Our kids are 1/3 the class! |
Grandma had the kids get in the Christmas spirit by making these cute Christmas Trees with them!
This is L-R: Tyler, Lauren, Hannah & Tanner |
This was me getting the kids in the Christmas spirit by making homemade Gingerbread Cookies. The whole process took the entire day, but it was so much fun & the kids loved making and eating their cookies! |
Tyler |
Jenna |
Tanner |
Hannah |
Lauren |
This is how I get my kids to eat vegetables. Ask them to help prep but NOT eat them. They are shelling edamame here. When it's on their plate they barely touch it, but when they shell it they eat it like candy.
Especially when I ask them to NOT eat them. I can play that game, kiddos! ;) |
These are washcloth puppets made by Grandma & Grandpa Thorson. So cute!
This is Mimi as a Grandma Angel on the Christmas Eve Church service. If you look closely, you will see a sweet Tanner perched under that Angel's knees! |
This is Christmas morning finding the presents under the tree! |
This is Tyler receiving big boy underpants in his stocking. I decided to potty train the boys the day after Christmas, they were more than ready! (the girls have been potty trained for almost a year now). |
Spiderman Squared (a.k.a. Tyler & Tanner)
This is Christmas with family. We hosted Christmas for both sides of the family this year. It worked well and was nice to stay put for the day!
Look at that smile when Jenna found money in a card from Grandpa Ted & Mimi! |
This is Grandpa Ted, Julia & Anna looking at a calendar with Hannah |
Auntie got the kids these amazing magnetic blocks. Fun for all! |
So much joy from a... flashlight! |
Jenna picked out this ornament for Grandma all by herself. |
Silly Tyler! |
Uncle Steve & kiddos |
Aunt Cindy & Kayden |
And THESE are two boys who did AMAZING with potty training! It literally took 3 days and I have not had an accident ever since. They are truly super!
And what big boys they are! They no longer rip up books (or walls... or carpet...).
Phew. Maturity is a wonderful thing!!! |
"Mom, I gotta go potty!" |
"I DID IT!" |
~ Goodbye 2015, hello 2016 ~
Wishing you and your loved ones a very blessed New Year!