shabby background

Saturday, September 1, 2012

 Lots of good changes since I wrote last!

The NICU time-warp is at it again, but this time we seem to be moving into warp speed ahead!  We suddenly have bottle feeders on our hands!  And they are catching on pretty quickly!  I think a lot of it has to do with they are 35 weeks gestation now and are of course, just so smart!

Here's a quick update:

Hannah is still on oxygen, and often her respirations are too fast to try to a bottle (she has an increased risk of aspirating on milk) so she has been fed by her gavage tube.  However, the nurses noticed if she is held a little bit before feeding she slows her breathing down and can take a bottle.  Today when I was there she took a bottle from me and the nurse and I were so surprised at how well she demonstrated fluid suck, swallow and breath patterns as she took almost a full bottle! (all but 2 cc's).  Way to go, sweetie!

Hannah drinking like a champ!
Sweet Hannah taking a rest

"Enough photos, already!"

Tyler also has fast respirations and has had little exposure to a bottle, but like Hannah the nurse tried holding him a bit before and his breathing also went to a right pace so today I fed him from a bottle-  and he took his first full feeding!  Way to go, little buddy!  He still needs to coordinate the such/swallow/breathe thing a little better, but with mommy helping him pace himself he ate like a champ!  During and afterwards, he had this adorable bewildered look on his face as if to say, "What was that?!?!?"  Tyler is still in a covered isolette because he is so small, but he is really doing excellent and will continue learning the art of eating.
Good job eating from a bottle, little man!

My sleepy boy Tyler

Tanner is doing really good with feedings!  So good, in fact, that the staff is talking about sending him home soon (to answer your question, no.  I don't quite know what they mean by "soon").  He takes most of his feedings via a bottle and rarely needs the remainder of bottles gavaged into his stomach.  However, he has not perfectly coordinated the suck/swallow/breathe reflex and sometimes will suck-suck-suck-suck while holding his breathe, and then breathe-breathe-breathe-breathe to get the oxygen he needs.  This needs to be more of an integrated, fluid action.  Try drinking a glass of water and see for yourself!  We are proud of our big buddy!
Tanner taking full feeds like a pro!

Tanner is hilarious when he sleeps.  He grunts and wiggles very often!

 Lauren is our superstar.  Like Tanner, she also takes full feeds and sucks, swallows and breathes like she has been doing this all her life!  She coordinates this well and just had her top popped off her isolette.  I have a feeling once she proves that she can regulate her own temperature, she will be going home!  The reason why I don't have a picture of me feeding her is because she literally sucks them down!  She not only has no difficulty coordinating feeds, she also is very fast at it.  Hungry little bug!

Our beautiful Lauren is getting such a cute little chunky face! 

So things are overall going extremely well in quad-land.

And one last change: we have decided to upgrade from my good ol' loved & reliable Subaru Forrester (but certainly lacking in mega-seating options!) to a Big ol' van!
I know you're jealous.
This van may not be a cute little sports car, but it certainly meets our needs!  We got a used van that was in excellent condition and looks brand spanking new.  We had a friend who knows a lot about vehicles help us out and he did a superb job finding us this one and getting it magically from Illinois to Michigan (thanks, Orson!).  The dealership also went above and beyond to make this a great experience.  Because of our unique experience, they let us test drive the vehicle for a couple days to make sure it would meet our needs and were completely helpful and understanding.  When I went to pick up the van today, not only did the staff come out to congratulate me, but they actually had chipped in and got us a gift card to Babies-R-Us!  Are you kidding me?!?!?  Awesome, awesome, awesome.  And thanks so much, Mike Sweeney & staff at Harold Zeigler Ford in Lowell!  We will buy a vehicle from you any time!

That's all the changes for right now, but perhaps sooner than later we will be packing our baby seats into that van and picking up one or even two to take home!  I suddenly feel like I have so much to do!  Laundry, organizing the baby room, laundry, more organizing... but what amazing blessings.  Oh, one more:  our adorable sweet Jenna Joy!




  1. Wow! LOVE all the progress. It is amazing how just holding helps respirations, I am so glad the nurses noticed that. So funny you say how you don't know what "going home soon" means, I often wonder the same thing! Rylin has been "coming home soon" for two weeks now! It looks like you are all ready for whoever decides to come home now that you have a van :)

  2. Uh oh Becky it really does look like the race is on between Lauren and Tanner as to see who gets to come home first. ;) They are doing so well. It is really is a wonder what kangaroo care and holding can do for preemies when it comes to regulating breathing, temperature and eating. I know with my twins when they came home even, we still did this and they would sleep better, eat better, and basically just did over all better. Than on the days we had to run to a doctors appointment or therapy and did not get as much relaxed take it as we need it time.

    The van sounds awesome. I love when people still care about people. I run my own business from home (so I can be here when my little ones need me) and it just makes a difference when you care. Love finding and learning about other companies that do the same.

    Thank you again for sharing your experience Becky it is awesome. And I am so happy for all the progress your little ones are making. =D

  3. Wonderful update! We are praying for you in this exciting transition period.

  4. Great news!! Love the progress!! What a joy to read your blog ... These babies are precious! Oh, and that rockin van ... You need to put some cool stripes down the side, heehee! So happy you got the van, it will serve your family well :)
