On the go with the "twins", to visit the other "twins" |
Posting in this blog is getting a little harder to do now that Tanner & Lauren have been home, but we are SO glad to have them home! Now is the tricky part of learning how to organize life and balance it still with the other 2 in the NICU-- I hope we don't have to do this split too long! It's a little tricky making it there every day, and I certainly don't get the cuddle time I use to get with Tyler & Hannah :-(
When I do go there, I let the kids have cuddle time, though!
Hannah & Lauren cuddle with mommy |
Tyler & Tanner--- Tyler was on oxygen for a few days last week but now is off!
Big sister Jenna holding Tyler all by herself! |
Updates on our babies still in the NICU:
Hannah is still on oxygen and still not able to do full feeds every feeding. Today the NICU OT will start working with her on feeding, so hopefully she will do better and not need oxygen support much longer to maintain good oxygen levels! Please pray that she is able to get this whole breathing and eating thing without support so that she can come home!!!!!
Tyler was on oxygen briefly last week but is now able to breathe room air without support and keep a good oxygen level. He can almost do full feeds, but sometimes still needs the rest gavage fed. In order to come home, he will need to do full feeds for 48 hours total. Go buddy, go! I would guess that he might come home later on this week if he can do this.
And then there's my 2 (well, 3) babies who are home:
Jenna helping with Tanner's first bath |
Tanner loves a tub bath! |
Jenna helping with Lauren's first bath |
Lauren's first bath |
Lauren |
So fresh and so clean clean! |
Tanner & Lauren are doing excellent! Both sleep a lot (basically, 23/24 hours of the day!) because they are still preemies. Like the NICU routine, I do "care" every 3 hours where I change diapers & feed them (or bathe!), but then they sleep. I love getting my cuddle time with them when I am not doing other things around the house!
Lauren unfortunately had to go home on a monitor for a little bit because of her last monitor's data before discharge. It showed a period of apnea within the 5 days prior to discharge, so that's why. I know these monitors are probably very helpful tools, but my 2 cents is this: she has not had one breathing, heart rate or respiratory concern since being home. However, that very shrill, loud alarm has gone off several times (my favorite is in the middle of the night in-between feedings when you finally get into deep sleep). From what we can tell, it usually goes off because it doesn't pick up on her stats. By and large the greatest reason it has gone off is because I have stepped on the wires that attach to the probes that stick to her abdomen, causing Lauren to cry, the alarm to blare, mommy to feel terrible & mad at the alarm/herself all at the same time. I am not a fan.
Hopefully the monitor is short-lived and Hannah & Tyler are home soon. We are settling into what life looks like with 2 and preparing for 2 more. Here's some pictures of every day events at our place.
Jenna is learning to be so very careful with them and probably sanitizes her hands more than anyone else!
Tummy time! |
So cute! |
I love how they are so curious and comfortable with each other! |
Snuggling in mommy's arms |
Lauren & Tanner often sleep in this bassinet together |
Life as we know it. |
Yesterday my sister & sister-in-law threw a baby shower for me, where I was showered with love and presents (think many, many diapers, wipes, and other baby items!!!). It was overwhelmingly wonderful to know I have so many dear friends and family supporting us, and to be blessed with not only presents, but also frozen meals and special bible verses from those lovely ladies!
And today my First Baby started Preschool. She was so excited and not at all nervous or worried. That girl is so outgoing and full of life! I have a feeling she will try to teach her peers what she knows this year, because she loves to share information and she is one smart cookie (at least we think so)!
Jenna's first day of Preschool outfit. Looking good, sweet girl! |
Daddy and his big girl |
Last night when Andy & I put Jenna to bed, I started to tear up in-between the book reading, prayers, & singing songs. My baby is now a confident, smart, and precocious preschool girl. God found it good to bless us with FOUR more babies ((((at the same time!)))). Two are home and healthy, and two are on their way home soon, Lord willing. Andy is hands down my best friend, and after almost 9 years of marriage we can solidly say it is a good marriage. Not an easy one, and there will be challenges upon challenges in the upcoming weeks, months and years. But it is a good marriage.
God, rich in love and mercy, has blessed us beyond what I ever could have thought. I find the Psalms 16 v 5-6 rings so rich right now in this season of my life: "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Amen!
Thanks for all your support and prayers. Lots to be thankful for!!!