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Friday, November 8, 2013

15 Months!

The babies (toddlers!) had their 15 month check-up 2 weeks ago.  The doctor was very happy with how everyone is doing, which always makes me count my blessings and do a little happy dance!  God is SO good!
~Daddy & the little ones~
Lauren:  Height 30"; Weight 21.13 # (57%); Head circumference 45.8 cm
Hannah:  Height 30 1/4"; Weight 21.11 # (56%); Head circumference 45.1 cm
Tanner:  Height 30 1/2"; Weight 19.3 # (6%); Head circumference 46.1 cm
Tyler:  Height 30"; Weight 18.8 # (3%); Head circumference 46.5 cm

If you look at the stats, our boys are long, lean & lanky!  But don't tell them that.  The boys love to rough-house and they definitely eat & drink just as much, if not more, than the girls.  Tanner has also improved drastically in his eating skills recently.  He use to have a huge pile of food under his feet & in his bib every meal that I would scoop back onto his plate (he ravenously shoveled it in his mouth, but would only get about 50% of the food in, messy boy!).  Recently I noticed he has refined his eating skills and only drops just as much as the other 3.  Plus, he has started talking more.  He loves to babble now (as do the other 3!) and I just LOVE that.
The kids eating breakfast.  They can easily polish off 5 eggs & cheese, 2 pieces of toast, 2 bananas plus extra fruit and crackers and milk.  I think they could even eat more... gulp! 
Greatest accomplishment lately?  The boys are now walking!!!!!  It is just adorable to see.  They often resemble a baby horse first walking after birth, all wobbly and unsure of their bodies, but they are getting better every day.  It is so fun to see and yes, I just purchased 4 backpack leashes for the gang for when I venture out with them now.  It is a scary and beautiful thing having everyone so independent!

Tyler chasing a ball

Got it!
The girls cooking away

Lauren is so sweet natured and just LOVES to read books!  
 Big sister Jenna is busy during the day at school, but it's so good to see her when she comes home.  She always needs a snack and then likes to play until dinner.  Below she is next to our neighbor Lanie- can you tell these girls LOVE to dress themselves?  Very stylish!

This is fun with a Halloween Wig:

Hannah as an 80's televangelist:
Hope that last one put a smile on your face!


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