Happy Fathers Day to all you men out there!
I love this picture. Andy kissing Lauren right after she came home from the NICU.
To all the dads, grandfathers, step-fathers, father-in-laws, fathers-to-be... Happy Day to You! |
My step-father John cradling Tyler buster. What a great grandpa!!! |
The grandkids visiting my dad & Nancy in Arizona |
Father-in-law Ted holding Tanner & Tyler- the kids love you so much, Papa! |
And, of course, Happy Fathers day to our Best. Daddy. Ever!
Daddy with Jenna when she was an itty-bitty |
Daddy with an adoring Jenna as a baby |
Daddy with an adoring Jenna as a pre-schooler |
This has been one heck of a year for my man, and I couldn't be more proud of him. Andy-- you are the BEST daddy to our five miracles. I think God had a chuckle every time you alway use to declare, "Two, then we're done." Not only have you bravely stepped up to the plate, I think you have done an amazing job with our unexpected "Buy one, get 3 free" deal God handed us! Being a daddy to quadruplets +1 ain't no easy task, and you do it well!
Andy, with every life event we encounter my respect for you only grows deeper. I love you more deeply than when we said our "I do's." In our nearly 10 years of marriage I can genuinely say we have had more ups than downs, and I can't wait to see what God has for us around the corner. You are my best friend and the best daddy to Jenna, Lauren, Tyler, Tanner & Hannah. I love how the kids smile at you adoringly whenever you are around. You are a rock star in their eyes and in mine, too.
Here's to all you dads out there... your job is tough and never-ending, but it's the most important and and life-altering job you ever will have. Thank You!
Happy Father's Day, Andy! All fathers are special, but Quadfathers are something truly amazing.