At 2 1/2 weeks old, we couldn't be more happy and pleased with how our babies are progressing! The babies are 31 weeks gestation and today when I went in to the NICU I found a surprise-- not only are all four babies off IVs now, but Hannah and Tyler are off cpap too!!! Tanner also tried to go off cpap, but he is not quite ready yet. He is on room air oxygen (21%) so it close! Lauren is at 23% and is close, too! Both Hannah and Tyler do have a nasal cannula with a low oxygen flow to help, but it sure is good to see their sweet little faces better and hair!
I cuddle with Hannah today for about 2 hours- she has a beautiful face and very dark, dark hair! I think I spent nearly half my cuddle time today kissing her beautiful, soft hair on her head and the other half staring at her, mesmirized... falling more and more in love with her every second!
Pretty face!
Our good friends Jon & Kate were in town from Boston. Of course they needed to visit the crew! THis is me snuggling with Hannah. |
Hannah cuddling with mommy on Tuesday (on CPAP). |
I have found a VERY bright side to this whole multiples-in-the-NICU thing... I get to hold each individual child for at least an hour each time, every day. When am I ever going to get this luxury again once they come home? I have bonded so much with all four as I have cuddled, kissed, rocked, sang, talked, and prayed over them. Every day I go to the hospital and get to hold one of my babies (or 2 if I am lucky & have extra time!). I
cherish this time. Originally I thought I might read or listen to music as I held them, but I don't want to be distracted at all from this precious time I have with them. Like I said... I am falling so in love!
My little man Tyler cuddling with me |
Andy visits when he can and often finds his lunch break at work the ideal time to say hello to all four. Jenna also loves to visit, but we keep it short and sweet, as she is a lot of excitement in a space where we want to keep things quiet and low stim. Have I mentioned lately how blessed I am to have the family I have?!?
Tyler- big champ! |
Tanner- Tummy time! |
My sister Kathy came in from Texas to visit, so it was great for Jenna to see her & the Texan cousins!
Kathy in front of 2 of my babies (in covered isolettes)--- I can't wait to take them all home! |
All four babies are tolerating bigger and bigger feeds via gavage feeding (milk flows from gravity into a tube that goes in their mouth and down to stomach). This means they are growing! Tyler, our smallest, is now a big whopping 2 pounds. Hannah, our biggest and most verbal, is 3 lbs, 2 oz. Tanner is 2lbs 14 oz & Lauren is 2 lbs 10 oz. Grow babies, grow! We were told that at 32 weeks we could start introducing bottles and breastfeeding to them. At first they will just be exploring and getting use to the idea, but then hopefully start to suckle. Well, today, Hannah did just that as I held her! YEAH that she is she showing signs of feeding readiness!
Each day there are a handfulls of "alarms" which usually is because of a drop of oxygen, heart rates, or oxygen. This is normal, but we want them to alarm less and less. Besided this, however, our babies are growing, thriving, and maintaining "status-quo" NICU progression. I know this is because of all your prayers and because of God's goodness. Thank you Jesus, and thank you all!
Our big boy Tanner with eyes wide open! |
This week I have a change of scenery: our family is on vacation in a cottage on Lake Michigan. Our sweet little cottage that we rent each year is about 50 steps from the sand & beach, and I am loving this change of pace! I still go in daily to the hospital, but right now Jenna can easily be watched by family while I go to town, and she can play with her cousins in the cottage, water & sand. I love living in Michigan!
Signing out, going to bed before 11 and enjoying the cottage life! Thanks again for your prayers & support... those babies are so blessed! As are we!!!
Our cottage we rent each summer for a week |
Celebrating cousin Anna's birthday on the porch |
Jenna snuggling with Grace |
Walking to the lake from our cottage.
mmmm! oreo's on the beach! |
Floating with daddy & Auntie |
Jenna the fish |
The girls (it's a good thing we have 2 boys to offer to the family dynamics now!!) |
Snuggling with Elizabeth on a cold night |
Beautiful Lake Michgan |
Relaxing, isn't it?
Becky this is wonderful news. They are growing so well and soon they will be feeders and growers. It sounds like they are well on their way. They are so gosh darn cute.
ReplyDeleteYes enjoy the time you get to be alone with each. But when you get a chance do the same when they come home. It might seem like it will be hard, but with family and friends helping you should be able to manage getting a little alone time with each every few days.
Glad that you are having fun is so is Jenna. Continuing to pray for you all. Hope you have a wonderful week. =D
Just think how exciting/noisy/fun next year will be at the cottage chasing around your five little miracles! Glad things are going well. Kiss those babies and tell them to keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThey are making great progress! Way to go babies! Seeing their faces and hair is priceless. Before the "stuff" was taken off I remember being frusterated that I had no idea what my babies looked like. Our caps were different than yours though and went up the center of their noses, covering their faces.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news!! Wanted to tell you Becky that you are such an encouragement and blessing! Those kiddos have such a loving mommy, a praying mommy, a devoted mommy ... what a gift to those kiddos. And those kiddos look amazing and beautiful and so strong ... all 4 growing bigger everyday! What a gift from God! So happy that you are able to relax and have some downtime ... the water is my oasis with God ... it always helps me to put things in perspective. The almighty God that created and tames the seas, has His hands around all of us through every season in our lives, He doesn't let go ever, and loves us beyond imagine. Catch some waves for us ... enjoy the mini vacay ... say hi to Jenna!
ReplyDeleteYou make me happy for you and homesick for michigan at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you are all doing so well.