shabby background

Saturday, September 28, 2013

5 Things

Ug, I feel like my body has been battling the yuckies that have been in our house lately.  As I write this the kids are finally on the mend from a cold that started over 2 weeks ago.  They were getting better from cold #1, and then got another really, really nasty cold.... Hello Hand Washing & Sanitizing Season!

Despite the yuckies, here are 5 things that have brightened our lives the past few weeks :)

1.  Soccer
Jenna LOVES her YMCA class!  They are basically an intro to soccer to see if she likes it or not.
I think this will be a sport we continue in the Spring!

The babies loved watching the kids play.  Hannah kept on wanting to join her big sister!

Go, Team!

2.  Wedding
I was honored to be in my friend Stefanie's wedding last weekend.  It was beautiful!!!  Joe & Stefanie, I  wish you decades of health & happiness and I pray you enjoy an abundantly blessed marriage!

         Stefanie & her mom

3.  Sick Kids (Why, you might ask is this "brightening"?  glad you asked.  We are so blessed & thankful that despite this, we have 5 "healthy" kids we can assume will get better.  Not everyone can say this.  We are humbled and thankful to God for these kiddos every day.)

 Aren't they pathetic looking?  I felt so bad for them.  Jenna missed a few days of school, but these four were plum miserable all week long.  Fevers, coughs, snot, body aches, eye goobers, vomiting, and not to mention probably sore throats, throbbing heads & achy bodies... you just hurt for them!
When sick, you get to do fun things like play with tupperware to forget how miserable you feel!

4.  Growing Up & Getting Out
~Some good times this past month~
At Fallsburg Fest, a Fall festival full of food & local art.
The theme of the day was "twins"- the girls were dressed identical, the boys were identical, and Jenna & I dressed very similar.  No, we don't do this often, but Jenna (& I) thought it would be fun!
~Daddy Love~

How do I get Jenna to the bus stop 1/4 mile away by myself by 7:50 AM when I have 4 babies at home?
Ah, yes.  Put a pack n play in the van & drive them down the driveway and private road!

5.  Haircut
Jenna has long, beautiful hair.  Which has been getting chewed on A LOT!  Between the detangling from chewed hair and how active she is, today I reached my limit.  We have been talking to Jenna for a while about getting a hair cut, and today became that day.  Let me introduce you to our shorter-haired beauty!

Hope that wherever life has you right now you can still stop and think of a few things that brighten your life!



Monday, September 16, 2013

Photo Book

I have been busy NOT blogging much, because it has been crazy busy starting work, Jenna starting school, and now the babies are a little snotty and getting over their first official back-to-school cold.  Lovely!

Jenna has been having a hard time adjusting to Kindergarten, so in all my spare time I decided to take advantage of a free 8"x8" book offer by Shutterfly and create this "book of love" for her!  Shhhh... don't tell her, it's a secret and probably won't arrive for another week or so!

Shutterfly allows you to customize your photo book just the way you want.

I couldn't end this without at least one picture of the sweeties.
Oh, I will miss you warm days... eating on the deck is soooooo much easier to clean up!
Tyler is looking up at an airplane.  They fly over our house often and are a source of fun.
Oh, and have I told you lately that these kids LOOOOVE to eat???!!!!



Thursday, September 5, 2013


Driving down our country road, the rows of bright sunflowers have turned into stoic blank brown faces staring at their toes.  Orange pumpkins peek out from underneath their foliage.  Days are sunny & warm, but nights are cold and crisp.


Jenna has started Kindergarten and the verdict is still out whether she likes it or not.... there is so much newness and the all-day, every-day schedule is so different from the free-play of summertime!  I hope & pray she grows to like it.  After all, she will need to be in school for at least 13 more years!!!
First Day of Kindergarten!!! (yes, she got to bring her beloved purple bunny!)

Me crying the moment the bus turned the corner.  It was such an unexpected emotion!

The babies are so much fun!  Life is crazy and busy and they are all so full of life.  Hannah walks everywhere and Lauren is taking cautious steps.  The boys cruise and EVERYONE climbs.  They play hard & sleep harder.  Life is good, but it is impossible getting a photo of everyone these days!

These peanuts crack me up.  A whole play area to play in and everyone LOVES playing underneath this end table.

The quaddlers "helping" me fold laundry
Silly Tanner put my shirt on over his head!
Last week our boys also came down with a common virus.  Both boys got a high fever one day, then some spots over their body.  Tanner's faded after a day, but Tyler's looked so bad I took him to the doctor.  He is fine now, but the doctor was amazed the girls never got anything!!!
My poor buddy was so uncomfortable for several days.  Extra cuddles for Tyler!
 I have worked 2 weeks now and I really love the work I will be doing this year.  Getting out for a day and a half of work is a refreshing change for me and I like feeling productive at work!  


We TOTALLY have a country girl.  A frog, a box turtle, and taking care of her "pet" below...

And this one might get me some disapproving comments but we live in the country and Daddy is a very responsible person who started teaching our girl safety protocols regarding guns this weekend.

Jenna liked shooting the .22, and Daddy loved being able to instruct her properly.
... but if you thought Jenna was a tomboy, rest assured she is a very well-rounded little girl.  
Here she was at a friend's birthday party the same weekend...

So what September moments are you loving these days?!?

